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- (*
- ::::::::::
- ::::::::::
- *)
- (* overlay *) procedure group(ch: char);
- var
- i: char;
- procedure displaylist; forward;
- procedure useitem;
- label 10;
- var
- x, y, i: integer;
- j, index, ch: char;
- procedure domachine;
- begin
- case ord(list[index].pts) of
- 0: begin
- for x:= currx - 10 to currx + 10 do
- for y:= curry + 5 downto curry - 5 do
- if ok(x,y) then
- if universe[x,y].ch in ['X','+'] then
- universe[x,y].strength:= 0;
- addscroll('Hey! All the klingons have');
- addscroll('lost their power!')
- end;
- 1: begin
- addscroll('All the Klingons are immobilized!');
- nomove:= rand(1,10)
- end;
- 2: begin
- addscroll('Internal explosion in the');
- addscroll('cargo hold! Systems going');
- addscroll(' down!');
- for i:= 1 to 7 do disable(rand(0,500))
- end;
- 3: begin
- addscroll('Aliens'' cloaking devices');
- addscroll('are not working!');
- seeall:= rand(1,10)
- end;
- 4: begin
- addscroll('The crew cannot understand');
- addscroll('you. It''s the alien machine,');
- addscroll(' Captain.');
- confuse:= rand(1,10)
- end
- end
- end;
- procedure domach2;
- begin
- case ord(list[index].pts) of
- 5: begin
- for x:= currx - 10 to currx + 10 do
- for y:= curry + 5 downto curry - 5 do
- if ok(x,y) then
- if universe[x,y].ch in ['X','+','R','T','H','A']
- then universe[x,y].strength:= 0;
- addscroll('Every alien in the area has');
- addscroll('lost their power, Captain.')
- end;
- 6: begin
- addscroll('Short range scanners have');
- addscroll(' burnt out!');
- systems[shortscan]:= rand(0,systems[shortscan])
- end;
- 7: begin
- addscroll('Sir! The engines have shut');
- addscroll('down! It''s defying all the');
- addscroll('laws of physics, sir!');
- if systems[warp] > 75 then systems[warp]:= 75;
- if systems[impulse] > 75 then systems[impulse]:= 75;
- systems[warp]:= rand(0,systems[warp]);
- systems[impulse]:= rand(0,systems[impulse])
- end;
- 8: begin
- for x:= currx - 10 to currx + 10 do
- for y:= curry + 5 downto curry - 5 do
- if ok(x,y) then
- if universe[x,y].ch in ['X','+','R','T','H','A']
- then begin
- if universe[x,y].ch = '+' then nmbrkling:=
- nmbrkling - 1;
- if universe[x,y].ch in ['+','R','T','H'] then
- points:= points + ord(universe[x,y].pts);
- universe[x,y].ch:= ' ';
- universe[x,y].strength:= 0
- end;
- addscroll('Apparently every alien in the');
- addscroll('area has been destroyed, sir.');
- addscroll('A very effective weapon!')
- end;
- 9: begin
- addscroll('Captain! Our torpedos have a');
- addscroll(' much longer range now!');
- longer:= rand(5,15)
- end
- end
- end;
- procedure domach3;
- begin
- case ord(list[index].pts) of
- 10: begin
- systems[computer]:= 100;
- addln('Computer ')
- end;
- 11: begin
- systems[phasers]:= 100;
- addln('Phasers ')
- end;
- 12: begin
- systems[longscan]:= 100;
- addln('Long-range scanners ')
- end;
- 13: begin
- systems[shortscan]:= 100;
- addln('Short-range scanners ')
- end;
- 14: begin
- systems[torpedos]:= 100;
- addln('Torpedos ')
- end;
- 15: begin
- systems[warp]:= 100;
- addln('Warp-drive engines ')
- end;
- 16: begin
- systems[impulse]:= 100;
- addln('Impulse engies ')
- end;
- 17: begin
- nmbrtorps:= nmbrtorps + 10;
- addscroll('Captain, we''ve got more torpedos!')
- end;
- 18: begin
- for x:= currx - 10 to currx + 10 do
- for y:= curry + 5 downto curry - 5 do
- if ok(x,y) and ((x > currx + 1) or (x < currx - 1)
- or (y < curry - 1) or (y > curry + 1)) then
- if universe[x,y].ch = ' ' then
- begin
- universe[x,y].ch:= ',';
- universe[x,y].strength:= 0;
- universe[x,y].pts:= chr(1);
- end;
- addscroll('Captain, we have apparently been ');
- addscroll('surrounded by a field of comets.');
- scroll;
- addscroll('Also, our warp engines are out.');
- systems[warp]:= 45
- end
- end;
- if ord(list[index].pts) < 17 then addscroll('have gone to 100%!');
- end;
- begin
- if currlst < 'a' then
- begin
- addscroll(' There''s nothing to use');
- delay(2000);
- goto 10;
- end;
- displaylist;
- clrmesg;
- mesg(3,' Which item to use?');
- repeat
- read(kbd,ch);
- if ch in ['A'..'Z'] then ch:= chr(ord(ch) + 32)
- until (ch >= 'a') and (ch <= currlst);
- index:= ch;
- clearscroll;
- case list[index].ch of
- ':': begin
- addscroll('Power levels coming up, Captain');
- totalpower:= totalpower + rand(500,5000)
- end;
- 'M': begin
- addscroll(' As it is turned on, the');
- addscroll('machine shimmers and disappears.');
- for i:= 1 to 3 do scroll;
- delay(2000);
- addscroll('-------- Machine ----------');
- if ord(list[index].pts) > 9 then domach3
- else if ord(list[index].pts) > 4 then domach2
- else domachine;
- if length(names[ord(list[index].pts)]) = 0 then
- begin
- delay(1000);
- addscroll('Call it:');
- addln('=>');
- togglecursor;
- readln(names[ord(list[index].pts)]);
- togglecursor;
- scroll
- end
- end;
- ')': begin
- addscroll('Systems are now shielded sir!');
- syshields:= rand(5,20)
- end;
- ']': begin
- addscroll('Ship has extra protection now sir!');
- allshields:= rand(5,20)
- end;
- '^': begin
- for x:= currx - 10 to currx + 10 do
- for y:= curry + 5 downto curry - 5 do
- if ok(x,y) then
- if not (universe[x,y].ch in ['%','/','@','B']) then
- begin
- if universe[x,y].ch = '+' then nmbrkling:=
- nmbrkling - 1;
- if universe[x,y].ch = '#' then nmbrbases:=
- nmbrbases - 1;
- if universe[x,y].ch in ['+','R','T','H'] then
- points:= points + ord(universe[x,y].pts);
- universe[x,y].ch:= ' ';
- universe[x,y].strength:= 0
- end;
- addscroll('Everything is destroyed sir')
- end
- end;
- delay(2000);
- for j:= index to pred(currlst) do
- list[j]:= list[succ(j)];
- currlst:=pred(currlst);
- 10: end;
- procedure printitem(item: space);
- begin
- case item.ch of
- ':': addscroll('Pair of dilithium crystals');
- 'M': begin
- addscroll('An alien machine with strange markings');
- if return then
- begin
- addln(' which ');
- case ord(item.pts) of
- 0: addscroll('disarms Klingons');
- 1: addscroll('stops Klingons');
- 2: addscroll('blows up');
- 3: addscroll('penetrates a cloaking device');
- 4: addscroll('causes confusion');
- 5: addscroll('disarms all aliens');
- 6: addscroll('destroys short scanners');
- 7: addscroll('hampers the engines');
- 8: addscroll('destroys all aliens');
- 9: addscroll('extends torpedos');
- 10: addscroll('fixes the computer');
- 11: addscroll('fixes the phasers');
- 12: addscroll('fixes the long scanners');
- 13: addscroll('fixes the short scanners');
- 14: addscroll('fixes the torpedos');
- 15: addscroll('fixes the warp drive');
- 16: addscroll('fixes the impulse engines');
- 17: addscroll('creates a comet field');
- 18: addscroll('creates torpedos')
- end
- end
- else if length(names[ord(item.pts)]) > 0 then
- addscroll(concat(' (',names[ord(item.pts)],') '))
- end;
- '^': addscroll('A super bomb');
- ']': addscroll('Shields for the ship');
- ')': addscroll('Shields for systems');
- '/': addscroll('The Staff of Surak')
- end
- end;
- procedure displaylist;
- var
- i: char;
- temp: string80;
- begin
- clearscroll;
- if currlst < 'a' then addscroll(' You have nothing')
- else begin
- addscroll('--------- Cargo -----------');
- for i:= 'a' to currlst do
- begin
- temp:= ' ) ';
- temp[1]:= i;
- addln(temp);
- printitem(list[i])
- end
- end
- end;
- procedure drop;
- var
- x, y: integer;
- index, i, ch: char;
- begin
- displaylist;
- if currlst >= 'a' then
- begin
- clrmesg;
- mesg(3,'Which item to drop?');
- repeat
- read(kbd,ch);
- if ch in ['A'..'Z'] then ch:= chr(ord(ch) + 32)
- until (ch >= 'a') and (ch <= currlst);
- clearscroll;
- index:= ch;
- x:= currx;
- y:= curry;
- if ok(x,y) then
- begin
- moveround(x,y);
- universe[x,y]:= list[index];
- printitem(list[index])
- end;
- for i:= index to pred(currlst) do
- list[i]:= list[succ(i)];
- currlst:= pred(currlst);
- addscroll(' dropped');
- delay(2000)
- end
- end;
- procedure getitem;
- label 10;
- var
- gotten: boolean;
- x,y: integer;
- begin
- gotten:= false;
- for x:= currx + 1 downto currx - 1 do
- for y:= curry + 1 downto curry - 1 do
- if ok(x,y) then
- if universe[x,y].ch in [':','M','^','/',')',']'] then
- begin
- if currlst < maxlist then
- begin
- gotten:= true;
- currlst:= succ(currlst);
- list[currlst]:= universe[x,y];
- universe[x,y].ch:= ' ';
- universe[x,y].strength:= 0;
- printitem(list[currlst])
- end
- else
- begin
- if not gotten then addscroll('You cannot carry anymore');
- goto 10;
- end
- end;
- if not gotten then addscroll('Nothing to pick up');
- 10: end;
- begin
- return:= false;
- for i:= 'a' to currlst do if list[i].ch = '/' then return:= true;
- case ch of
- 'G','g': getitem;
- 'U','u': useitem;
- 'D','d': drop;
- 'W','w': begin
- displaylist;
- delay(5000)
- end
- end;
- clrmesg
- end;